First blog post

This is my very first post.

In this blog I will tell you about my dreadful journey: loosing my beautiful little girl to childhood cancer.

I will talk about diagnosis, treatment, palliative care, loss and grief, but also about love, laughter, hope and faith…. in memory of a very special little girl, Esther, my Angel, One of a Kind.

I will tell you my experience, what helped and what did not, hoping to reach someone who can relate and who can use some of the information in this blog.

I have decided not to publish any photo of Esther, as I don’t think that the internet is a safe enough place to share images of my beautiful girl. I am aware this will put some people off but please, think about this space as a digital book where I will share my journey as the mother of a gorgeous girl who earned her Angel wing too soon.

Watch this space and thank you for reading!



3 Replies to “First blog post”

    1. Hi Lynn, there is no direct way at present, but you can set up a regular donation to the GKLT via the Virgin Money Giving website and it will be put in Esther’s Smiles fund by the Virgin team. Hope this helps!

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